Product description
Auxilia Microfocus X-ray Source
A-MiXS (Auxilia Microfocus X-ray Source) is probably the smallest and most uniform microfocus X-ray source available on the market.

Variety of anode materials
and spot sizes

Universal source

Can be equipped with X-ray tubes with a large variety of anode materials and with different anode spot sizes. Universal source housing allows short anode spot to X-ray optics distances, thus any optics with different geometries can be mounted. We are fully customizable.
A-MiXS details
Auxilia Microfocus X-ray Source
- Available X-ray wavelengths: Cu, Co, Mo, Ag, Cr, Al, etc.
- Up to 65kV X-ray source voltage
- Up to 75W X-ray source power
- 30mm minimal anode spot to optics distance
- Customizable X-ray source anode spot, starting from 20 micrometers
- X-ray radiation-proof source housing
- Several interlock circuits
- Platform-independent control software
Application of customized A-MiXS
Aluminum anode X-ray source
- UHV flange mounted
- Shutterless source
- Customized line focus
- Reliable cooling circuit
- Customized X-ray safety system including variety of signals